Author Francisco Cuellar Ontiveros has done it again. He is publishing a new series of 7 volumes in which he exposes a paradigm that has remained hidden in plain sight all along.
From the Depths of Procedural Law
A Comprehensive Examination.
30 years of consistent results and success demonstrate the existence of a foolproof formula for winning any legal dispute.
It is not a theory, but rather a series of unfailingly repeated observable facts that point to the existence of a hidden truth:
Lawsuits Are Won in Another Dimension.
This structure is subtle, neutral in character and is responsible for winning or losing any lawsuit.
Indeed, there is a whole underlying structure that is ALWAYS acting on the outcomes that are seen in physical reality during the pursuit of any legal dispute.
But like any other pack of lies, they have no choice but to show themselves, they cannot deny their presence and the havoc they leave in their wake, and they rely mainly on the following malevolent phenomena:
Like any truth, it implies the existence of its OPPOSITION.
The OPPOSITION presents itself as "strong and unfathomable", it is a mixture of LIES that feed each other and manage to create a mirage, ever in sight and unattainable.
• Purely Convenient Personal Relationships.
• The blind, almost axiomatic belief in laws and their derivatives.
• Excessive academic studies leading to denial of objective reality and egocentrism.
• Desire to win twice (double agent).
This leads to the creation of a closed system where EVERYONE does the same as EVERYONE else and a mishmash of conflicting interests is born, where the last thing that is desired is the welfare of the defendant.
• Chaotic mix of intentions.
• Doubts and fears.
• Parasitic and conflicting interests.
• Eternalising.
• Betrayal.
• "Grease palms".
• Postponing or extending.
The interests of each stakeholder behave like vector forces which, when added together, can result in negligible, zero or even negative results.
Which oddly enough results in conducts totally detached from legal practice and the false pseudo-ethical promise of university academia such as:
• Indolence.
• Negligence.
• Unconsciousness.
• Reaction.
It is as if legal proceedings are taking place in an alternate, dark dimension where GREED and ENVY reign supreme.
But NOT EVERYTHING is entirely lost.
Its behavior is so radical that we could assert it is analogous to the concept of ANTIMATTER, annihilating everything that opposes it.
In this new editorial series, where the genuine PROCEDURAL CLAIM emerges as an ethereal force that unfolds in another dimension, functioning under values completely contrary to those previously exposed.
It brings LIGHT to the prevailing system and is available to anyone who truly wishes to renounce these anti-values.
Complementary elements such as will, creativity, perspective, emotions, observation, language and matrix information support the functioning of this unstoppable force, the true PROCEDURAL CLAIM.
Seven volumes were necessary to barely bring this paradigm to light and each one of them contains a complex conceptualization of the intimate relationship between the deep phenomena of the human psyche and its ability to win in any legal dispute.
I.- Intent, Will, and Legal Claim..
II.- Systems, Perspective, and Procedural Claim (Psychic Vectors).
III.- Emotions and Procedural Claim.
From the Depths of Procedural Law. 7-volume Editorial Series.
IV.- Will, Intent, and Jurisdiction.
V.- Observation and procedural Claim.
VI.- Language, Argumentation, and Claim.
VII.- Information and Claim.
This work will mark a watershed in the legal profession worldwide, as we have stated at the beginning of this text: Lawsuits Are Won in Another Dimension.
And it will be the responsibility of each individual to decide on which side of the veil they choose to play their games, in the dimension of darkness or on the side of the true and pure PROCEDURAL CLAIM.
Legal Systems Are Irrelevant.
If you also wish to gain access to this foolproof formula for winning any legal case, please fill out the application form with all the necessary information, and your request will be evaluated for approval.